"Easy4Pro": { "prefix": "TMS", "body": ["transport platform", "redspher group", "easyforpro", "easy4pro", "faurecia transport", "pc&l faurecia", ], "description": "Easy4Pro" } "Easy4Pro": { "prefix": "TMS", "body": [ "transport platform", "easyforpro", "easypro", "faurecia transport", "pc&l faurecia", "transport platform" ], "description": "Easy4Pro" }
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This cookie notice (hereafter the “Notice”) applies to the https://www.easy4pro.com/ website (hereafter the “Website”), as well as any website or branded pages on third-party platforms (e.g. LinkedIn and Twitter) and applications accessed or used through such websites or platforms which are operated by or on behalf of the company REDSPHER TRANSPORT & TECH SA (formerly known as REDSPHER INCUBATOR SA), owner of the Website.

By using the Website, you are consenting to our use of cookies and other tracking technology in accordance with this Notice. If you do not agree to our use of cookies and other tracking technology in this way, you should set your browser settings accordingly or not use the Website. If you disable cookies that we use, this may impact your user experience while on the Website.



Cookies are small text files that are placed on your computer by websites that you visit. They are widely used to make websites work, or work more efficiently, as well as to provide information to the owners of the website. See below for details on what information is collected by cookies and how we use that information.

For more information about the kinds of data that we generally collect, please read our privacy notice available on our Website.


We use cookies to improve the use and functionality of the Website and to gain a better understanding of how visitors use the Website and the tools and services offered on it. Cookies help us tailor the Website to your personal needs, improve user-friendliness, gain customer satisfaction feedback and communicate to you elsewhere on the internet.


We may use the following types of cookies on the Website:

✔ Session cookies – Session cookies are temporary cookie files that are erased when you close your browser. When you restart your browser and go back to the site that created that cookie, the site will treat you as a new visitor.

✔ Persistent cookies – Persistent cookies stay on your browser until you delete them manually or until your browser deletes them based on the duration period set within the cookie. These cookies will recognize you as a return visitor.

✔ Necessary cookies –  Necessary cookies are strictly necessary for the operation of the Website. They enable you to navigate around the Website and use our features

✔ First Party cookies –These are the cookies that we set on the Website and they can only be read by that Website. These cookies only send information to us.

✔ Third-Party cookies –  Some cookies are placed on Easy4Pro’s ads which are placed on other websites owned by third parties (e.g. LinkedIn and/or Twitter). We obtain information via those cookies when you click on or interact with the advertisement. Easy4Pro may use the information obtained by these third-party cookies to serve you with advertising that is relevant and of interest to you based on your past online behavior.

✔ Cookies that send information to other companies – These are cookies that are set on the Website by our partner companies (e.g. LinkedIn or advertisers). They may use the data collected from these cookies to anonymously target advertising to you on other websites, based on your visit to this Website. For example, if you use a social widget (e.g. the LinkedIn icon) on the Website, it will record your “share” or “like”. LinkedIn (as the company setting the cookie) will collect the data.


You should ensure that your computer setting reflects whether you are happy to accept cookies or not. You can set your browser to warn you before accepting cookies, or you can simply set it to refuse them. You do not need to have cookies on to use or navigate through many parts of the Website although you may not have access to all the features on the Website if you do so. See the 'help' button on your browser (e.g. Internet Explorer, Firefox, Chrome, etc.) for how you can do this. Remember that if you use different computers in different locations, you will need to ensure that each browser is adjusted to suit your cookie preferences.

As a web beacon forms part of a webpage, it is not possible to ‘opt-out’ but you can render them ineffective by opting out of the cookies they set.


If you have any questions and/or would like additional information regarding cookies, you can contact us by email at the following address:  info@easy4pro.com or by postal mail at the following address: “REDSPHER / EASY4PRO, 19, rue Edmond Reuter, L-5326 Contern, Luxembourg”.


We reserve the right to make any changes and corrections to this Notice. Please refer to this page from time to time to review these and new additional information.

1 REDSPHER TRANSPORT & TECH SA is a public limited company, with its registered office is located 19, rue Edmond Reuter, L-5326 Contern, Luxembourg and registered with the Company and Trade Register of Luxembourg under the number B206160


Last update: April 2024
©all rights reserved


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